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What to Expect

ALL are welcome at Schertz United Methodist Church.  
It is never easy to visit a new church, and our goal is to make your experience with us a comfortable one.


We have reserved parking spaces for visitors near the gazebo, centrally placed in the main lot off of Roy Richard Drive. Look for parking attendants in orange vests for further assistance. They will point you in the direction of the nursery if you need childcare or towards the main entrance to the lobby of the sanctuary. The Gathering service is held in the Fellowship Hall. 
Greeters will meet you at the main entrance to the lobby of the sanctuary.
Coffee and Cookies are served here. Be sure to stop by the Welcome Center for a free welcome gift and more information on programs, activities, and events for the whole family.
Upon entering the Sanctuary, you will be welcomed!
 Be sure add our app! If you need any further assistance, a greeter will be glad to help you.
Our two Sunday morning services meet in the sanctuary. At the 9:00 am worship service, our chancel choir leads a more traditional worship hour with hymn music. The 11:15 am worship service is led by a praise band featuring vibrant praise music. 
A few people dress up, but most people choose to attend worship services in casual attire.  We invite you to come as you are.
Communion is an opportunity to renew our relationship with Jesus Christ.  We remember His sacrifice and celebrate our new life through His death and resurrection.  This relationship with God is open to all who desire to receive, and our communion table is open to all who seek to renew their relationship with Christ.
At Schertz UMC, all our services are kid friendly. We welcome kids to participate in the services. During the service, there is a children's moment when the children are invited to join a children's time at the front of the sanctuary for "Small Talk." There is a kid’s table with books and activities in the back-left corner of the Sanctuary.
In the main lobby, there is also a "Quiet Room" overlooking the Sanctuary, available to nursing moms and parents with small children who may need a more comfortable space.
Nursery is available for children 0 - 4 years old in Building 100. 
Our youth programs include Sunday School (7th through 12th grade) with age-appropriate classes and United Methodist Youth Fellowship (7th through 12th grade). The Youth are involved in several mission projects throughout the year.
Youth are invited to Confirmation, in which they confirm their faith and become a full member of the United Methodist Church.
There is no fee associated with membership at SUMC, nor for attending any worship service.  Just as the Bible chronicles faithful people giving the first fruits of their harvest as an offering to God, we give as an act of worship, to acknowledge His presence, and give thanks.  The offering is a part of our worship services, and you are invited to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable.
Membership at SUMC comes through baptism, profession of faith, or transfer of membership.  To discuss church membership, please contact the Pastor at pastorjon@schertzumc.com.