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Lenten Study

A playlist? For the season of Lent? A Lenten playlist? What an odd idea. Lent is often seen as a somber and even silent season. Certainly, there is space for contemplation, for embracing the quiet, for being still to seek out God. Many of us, however, find music a helpful tool for contemplation. So, we offer this playlist as another tool for your worship experience this season. We chose a song for each worship moment in the series from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. We aren’t suggesting that these are to be used in worship, unless that fits your context. Rather, this is preparation work, thinking about making connections, about plumbing the depths of heart and soul, of the community of faith and the wider culture. However you use them, let music be a guide into worship this Lent.
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1 Comment

Michelle - February 27th, 2025 at 3:06pm

I am really excited about this Lenten study! I love how the songs are not necessarily "Christian", but their theme follows scripture and really adds to the study. Everyone is going to love it!



