February 27th, 2025
by Schertz UMC
by Schertz UMC

A playlist? For the season of Lent? A Lenten playlist? What an odd idea. Lent is often seen as a somber and even silent season. Certainly, there is space for contemplation, for embracing the quiet, for being still to seek out God. Many of us, however, find music a helpful tool for contemplation. So, we offer this playlist as another tool for your worship experience this season. We chose a song for each worship moment in the series from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. We aren’t suggesting that these are to be used in worship, unless that fits your context. Rather, this is preparation work, thinking about making connections, about plumbing the depths of heart and soul, of the community of faith and the wider culture. However you use them, let music be a guide into worship this Lent.
Fourth Week in Lent
March 24th, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent
March 23rd, 2025
Head Above Water - Reflection Questions
March 20th, 2025
Second week of Lent fo The second pillar of Lent is fasting. Traditionally, this meant giving up food, but today, Christians fast in different ways. I encourage both children and adults to give up or take up something meaningful. This can look different for each person—like giving up TV and walking once a day, or giving up soda and adding prayer at bedtime or dinnertime. Fasting helps shift our focus toward God. During Lent, many Christians choose to give up something they enjoy to express gratitude for Jesus and to grow closer to God.Families
March 18th, 2025
Third Week in Lent
March 17th, 2025
Ash WednesdayAsh Wednesday ServiceFamily Ash Wednesday ActivityFirst Sunday in LentFirst Week of Lent for FamiliesRise Up - Reflection QuestionsSecond Week of LentSecond Sunday in LentThird Week in LentSecond week of Lent fo The second pillar of Lent is fasting. Traditionally, this meant giving up food, but today, Christians fast in different ways. I encourage both children and adults to give up or take up something meaningful. This can look different for each person—like giving up TV and walking once a day, or giving up soda and adding prayer at bedtime or dinnertime. Fasting helps shift our focus toward God. During Lent, many Christians choose to give up something they enjoy to express gratitude for Jesus and to grow closer to God.FamiliesHead Above Water - Reflection QuestionsThird Sunday in LentFourth Week in Lent
Ash Wednesday
Bearing Fruit
Bible Study
Do Not Fear
Family Activity
First Sunday in Lent
First Week in Lent
Fourth Week in Lent
God Rescues Us
Second Sunday in Lent
Second Week of Lent
Stay the Course
Steadfast Love
Storms in Our Life
Third Sunday in Lent
Third Week in Lent
1 Comment
I am really excited about this Lenten study! I love how the songs are not necessarily "Christian", but their theme follows scripture and really adds to the study. Everyone is going to love it!